Swiper API: Slider Methods and Properties & Events

After we initialize Slider we have its initialized instance in variable (like mySwiper
variable in example above) with helpful methods and properties:
Properties | |
mySwiper.params | Object with passed initialization parameters |
mySwiper.$el | Dom7 element with slider container HTML element. To get vanilla HTMLElement use mySwiper.el |
mySwiper.$wrapperEl | Dom7 element with slider wrapper HTML element. To get vanilla HTMLElement use mySwiper.wrapperEl |
mySwiper.slides | Dom7 array-like collection of slides HTML elements. To get specific slide HTMLElement use mySwiper.slides[1] |
mySwiper.width | Width of container |
mySwiper.height | Height of container |
mySwiper.translate | Current value of wrapper translate |
mySwiper.progress | Current progress of wrapper translate (from 0 to 1) |
mySwiper.activeIndex | Index number of currently active slideNote, that in loop mode active index value will be always shifted on a number of looped/duplicated slides |
mySwiper.realIndex | Index number of currently active slide considering duplicated slides in loop mode |
mySwiper.previousIndex | Index number of previously active slide |
mySwiper.isBeginning | true if slider on most “left”/”top” position |
mySwiper.isEnd | true if slider on most “right”/”bottom” position |
mySwiper.animating | true if swiper is in transition |
mySwiper.touches | Object with the following touch event properties:mySwiper.touches.startXmySwiper.touches.startYmySwiper.touches.currentXmySwiper.touches.currentYmySwiper.touches.diff |
mySwiper.clickedIndex | Index number of last clicked slide |
mySwiper.clickedSlide | Link to last clicked slide (HTMLElement) |
mySwiper.allowSlideNext | Disable / enable ability to slide to the next slides by assigning false /true to this property |
mySwiper.allowSlidePrev | Disable / enable ability to slide to the previous slides by assigning false /true to this property |
mySwiper.allowTouchMove | Disable / enable ability move slider by grabbing it with mouse or by touching it with finger (on touch screens) by assigning false /true to this property |
Methods | |
mySwiper.slideNext(speed, runCallbacks); | Run transition to next slidespeed – number – transition duration (in ms). OptionalrunCallbacks – boolean – Set it to false (by default it is true ) and transition will not produce transition events. Optional |
mySwiper.slidePrev(speed, runCallbacks); | Run transition to previous slidespeed – number – transition duration (in ms). OptionalrunCallbacks – boolean – Set it to false (by default it is true ) and transition will not produce transition events. Optional |
mySwiper.slideTo(index, speed, runCallbacks); | Run transition to the slide with index number equal to ‘index’ parameter for the duration equal to ‘speed’ parameter.index – number – index number of slidespeed – number – transition duration (in ms). OptionalrunCallbacks – boolean – Set it to false (by default it is true ) and transition will not produce transition events. Optional |
mySwiper.slideToLoop(index, speed, runCallbacks); | Does the same as .slideTo but for the case when used with enabled loop . So this method will slide to slides with realIndex matching to passed index index – number – index number of original slidespeed – number – transition duration (in ms). OptionalrunCallbacks – boolean – Set it to false (by default it is true ) and transition will not produce transition events. Optional |
mySwiper.slideReset(speed, runCallbacks); | Reset swiper position to currently active slide for the duration equal to ‘speed’ parameter.speed – number – transition duration (in ms). OptionalrunCallbacks – boolean – Set it to false (by default it is true ) and transition will not produce transition events. Optional |
mySwiper.slideToClosest(speed, runCallbacks); | Reset swiper position to closest slide/snap point for the duration equal to ‘speed’ parameter.speed – number – transition duration (in ms). OptionalrunCallbacks – boolean – Set it to false (by default it is true ) and transition will not produce transition events. Optional |
mySwiper.updateAutoHeight(speed); | Force swiper to update its height (when autoHeight enabled) for the duration eqaul to ‘speed’ parameterspeed – number – transition duration (in ms). OptionalrunCallbacks – boolean – Set it to false (by default it is true ) and transition will not produce transition events. Optional |
mySwiper.update(); | You should call it after you add/remove slides manually, or after you hide/show it, or do any custom DOM modifications with SwiperThis method also includes subcall of the following methods which you can use separately:mySwiper.updateSize() – recalculate size of swiper containermySwiper.updateSlides() – recalculate number of slides and their offsets. Useful after you add/remove slides with JavaScriptmySwiper.updateProgress() – recalculate swiper progressmySwiper.updateSlidesClasses() – update active/prev/next classes on slides and bullets |
mySwiper.detachEvents(); | Detach all events listeners |
mySwiper.attachEvents(); | Atach all events listeners again |
mySwiper.destroy(deleteInstance, cleanStyles); | Destroy slider instance and detach all events listeners, wheredeleteInstance – boolean – Set it to false (by default it is true ) to not to delete Swiper instancecleanStyles – boolean – Set it to true (by default it is true ) and all custom styles will be removed from slides, wrapper and container. Useful if you need to destroy Swiper and to init again with new options or in different direction |
mySwiper.appendSlide(slides); | Add new slides to the end. slides could be HTMLElement or HTML string with new slide or array with such slides, for example:mySwiper.appendSlide('<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 10"</div>') mySwiper.appendSlide([ '<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 10"</div>', '<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 11"</div>' ]); |
mySwiper.prependSlide(slides); | Add new slides to the beginning. slides could be HTMLElement or HTML string with new slide or array with such slides, for example:mySwiper.prependSlide('<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 0"</div>') mySwiper.prependSlide([ '<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 1"</div>', '<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 2"</div>' ]); |
mySwiper.addSlide(index, slides); | Add new slides to the required index. slides could be HTMLElement or HTML string with new slide or array with such slides, for example:mySwiper.addSlide(1, '<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 10"</div>') mySwiper.addSlide(1, [ '<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 10"</div>', '<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 11"</div>' ]); |
mySwiper.removeSlide(slideIndex); | Remove selected slides. slideIndex could be a number with slide index to remove or array with indexes, for example:mySwiper.removeSlide(0); //remove first slide mySwiper.removeSlide([0, 1]); //remove first and second slides |
mySwiper.removeAllSlides(); | Remove all slides |
mySwiper.setTranslate(translate); | Set custom css3 transform’s translate value for swiper wrapper |
mySwiper.getTranslate(); | Get current value of swiper wrapper css3 transform translate |
mySwiper.on(event, handler) | Add event listener |
mySwiper.once(event, handler) | Add event listener that will be executed only once |
mySwiper.off(event, handler) | Remove event listener for specified event |
mySwiper.off(event) | Remove all listeners for specified event |
mySwiper.unsetGrabCursor(); | Unset grab cursor |
mySwiper.setGrabCursor(); | Set grab cursor |
Swiper API: Events
Swiper comes with a bunch of useful events you can listen. Events can be assigned in two ways:
Using on
parameter on swiper initialization:
var mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
// ...
on: {
init: function () {
console.log('swiper initialized');
Using on
method after swiper initialization.
var mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
// ...
mySwiper.on('slideChange', function () {
console.log('slide changed');
Please note, that
keyword within event handler always points to Swiper instance
Event name | Arguments | Description |
init | Event will be fired right after Swiper initialization. Note that with swiper.on('init') syntax it will work only in case you set init: false parameter:var swiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', { init: false, // other parameters }) swiper.on('init', function() { /* do something */ }); // init Swiper swiper.init(); Otherwise use it as the parameter:var swiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', { // other parameters on: { init: function () { /* do something */ }, } }); | |
beforeDestroy | Event will be fired right before Swiper destroyed | |
slideChange | Event will be fired when currently active slide is changed | |
slideChangeTransitionStart | Event will be fired in the beginning of animation to other slide (next or previous). | |
slideChangeTransitionEnd | Event will be fired after animation to other slide (next or previous). | |
slideNextTransitionStart | Same as “slideChangeTransitionStart” but for “forward” direction only | |
slideNextTransitionEnd | Same as “slideChangeTransitionEnd” but for “forward” direction only | |
slidePrevTransitionStart | Same as “slideChangeTransitionStart” but for “backward” direction only | |
slidePrevTransitionEnd | Same as “slideChangeTransitionEnd” but for “backward” direction only | |
transitionStart | Event will be fired in the beginning of transition. | |
transitionEnd | Event will be fired after transition. | |
touchStart | event | Event will be fired when user touch Swiper. Receives ‘touchstart’ event as an arguments. |
touchMove(event) | event | Event will be fired when user touch and move finger over Swiper. Receives ‘touchmove’ event as an arguments. |
touchMoveOpposite | event | Event will be fired when user touch and move finger over Swiper in direction opposite to direction parameter. Receives ‘touchmove’ event as an arguments. |
sliderMove | event | Event will be fired when user touch and move finger over Swiper and move it. Receives ‘touchmove’ event as an arguments. |
touchEnd | event | Event will be fired when user release Swiper. Receives ‘touchend’ event as an arguments. |
click | event | Event will be fired when user click/tap on Swiper after 300ms delay. Receives ‘touchend’ event as an arguments. |
tap | event | Event will be fired when user click/tap on Swiper. Receives ‘touchend’ event as an arguments. |
doubleTap | event | Event will be fired when user double tap on Swiper’s container. Receives ‘touchend’ event as an arguments |
imagesReady | Event will be fired right after all inner images are loaded. updateOnImagesReady should be also enabled | |
progress | progress | Event will be fired when Swiper progress is changed, as an arguments it receives progress that is always from 0 to 1 |
reachBeginning | Event will be fired when Swiper reach its beginning (initial position) | |
reachEnd | Event will be fired when Swiper reach last slide | |
fromEdge | Event will be fired when Swiper goes from beginning or end position | |
setTranslate | translate | Event will be fired when swiper’s wrapper change its position. Receives current translate value as an arguments |
setTransition | transition | Event will be fired everytime when swiper starts animation. Receives current transition duration (in ms) as an arguments |
resize | Event will be fired on window resize right before swiper’s onresize manipulation |