3 Types Of ChatterBot’s Preprocessors

ChatterBot’s preprocessors are simple functions that modify the input statement that a chat bot receives before the statement gets processed by the logic adaper.
Here is an example of how to set preprocessors. The preprocessors
parameter should be a list of strings of the import paths to your preprocessors.
chatbot = ChatBot(
'Bob the Bot',
Preprocessor functions
ChatterBot comes with several built-in preprocessors.
Remove any consecutive whitespace characters from the statement text.
def clean_whitespace(chatbot, statement):
Remove any consecutive whitespace characters from the statement text.
import re
# Replace linebreaks and tabs with spaces
statement.text = statement.text.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ').replace('\t', ' ')
# Remove any leeding or trailing whitespace
statement.text = statement.text.strip()
# Remove consecutive spaces
statement.text = re.sub(' +', ' ', statement.text)
return statement
Convert escaped html characters into unescaped html characters. For example: “<b>” becomes “<b>”.
def unescape_html(chatbot, statement):
Convert escaped html characters into unescaped html characters.
For example: "<b>" becomes "<b>".
import sys
# Replace HTML escape characters
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
html = HTMLParser()
import html
statement.text = html.unescape(statement.text)
return statement
Converts unicode characters to ASCII character equivalents. For example: “på fédéral” becomes “pa federal”.
def convert_to_ascii(chatbot, statement):
Converts unicode characters to ASCII character equivalents.
For example: "på fédéral" becomes "pa federal".
import unicodedata
import sys
# Normalize unicode characters
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
statement.text = unicode(statement.text) # NOQA
text = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', statement.text)
text = text.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('utf-8')
statement.text = str(text)
return statement
Creating new preprocessors
It is simple to create your own preprocessors. A preprocessor is just a function with a few requirements.
- It must take two parameters, the first is a
instance, the second is aStatement
instance. - It must return a statement instance.